25.06.2022 Lucrecia Lionti presents her first solo exhibition at Barro, Intarsia, Jacquard y mi Ami Capital, in which she condenses and unfolds a horizon of references and interests that she has been cultivating for years. Her work, attentive to the material conditions of contemporary art, to the discourses and context that surround it, but also to the affective universe of knowledge, techniques and minor formulas, contains intimate inflections and public commentaries on art, politics and economics.
20.04.2022 Gabriel Chaile presents at the 59th Venice Biennale a sculptural ensemble made up of five pieces conceived as portraits of his family constellation. Based on the concept of the "archaeological lagoon", associated with the oral transmission of stories, he aims to make visible those blank spaces of information that have not yet been completed. The Milk of Dreams. Curator Cecilia Alemani. Arsenale. Venezia To November 27th.
08.04.2022 In Enlaces Querandí, the paintings build an idealized projection that could intertwine the past and future of the Río de la Plata basin. In turn, global geography is explored by Giron to quantify, objectify and thus understand the corporeality of the continents, the movement of their land masses and the circulation of energy through the seas and their marine currents. At Museo Moderno Buenos Aires.
20.03.2022 Simbiología. Prácticas artísticas en un planeta en emergencia Is an extensive exhibition that brings together nearly 170 works of contemporary Argentine art that explore new links and symbioses between the human and the non-human. With works, among other artists, by Faivovich & Goldberg, Mónica Giron, Nicanor Aráoz, Matías Duville and Gabriel Chaile. Curated by Valeria González, at Centro Cultural Kirchner, CABA. Until June 26.
19.03.2022 “... things are over there, silent, and one too approaches them silently. And from that relation, from that contact, a very mysterious one, of course, but also very humble of us, a resolution arises…” Juan L. Ortiz
10.03.2022 Matias Duville creates large-scale drawings of uncanny geographies using charcoal – the charred wood relating to the barren, burnt, congealed, and devastated landscapes that are a recurring subject in his work. ‘I’m interested in the analogy between mental space and real space. My work dives into the depths of the mind to capture new geographies: it captures the unpredictable.’ The instant of the waves at 23rd Biennale of Sydney Curated by José Roca. March 12–June 13 2022.
05.03.2022 Gabriel Chaile is part of 59th Bienal de Venecia “The Milk of Dreams” Curated by Cecilia Alemani. "The Milk Of Dreams takes its title from a book by Leonora Carrington in which the Surrealist artist describes a magical world where life is constantly re-envisioned through the prism of the imagination. It is a world where everyone can change, be transformed, become something or someone else." 59.ª Exposición Internacional de Arte Venecia, April 23–November 27 2022.
02.03.2022 Lolo y Lauti at ISCP NY The International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP) supports the creative development of artists and curators, and promotes exchange through residencies and public programs. ISCP is New York’s most comprehensive international visual arts residency program, founded in 1994.
21.02.2022 “Role Play” is an exhibition curated by Melissa Harris that explores the notions of the search, projection and invention of possible alternative identities, hovering between authentic, idealized, and universal selves through a selection of photographic, video and performing works by 11 international image-based artists.Observatorio Fondazione Prada, Milan
12.12.2021 Matías Duville in Oscar Niemeyer's space. Bienal Sur / Km 1962. Fundación Getulio Vargas (FGV) curated by Diana Wechsler. Instalation: Arena parking, 2021. Asphalt and iron. 450 x 800 x 1500 cm.
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