



El verdadero jardín nunca es verde

06.12.2016 "... The Fountain of Life must have presented itself to Hieronymus Bosch as a vision. It is so complicated a structure and also so monstrous -at a time animal and vegetal. And I wanted to rebuild it verily, but bearing the signs of the time elapsed and encircled by a strange landscape. As if the garden had died and in its place a sort of desert had appeared..." Nicola Costantino.


Nicola Costantino. La artefacta

03.12.2016 Screening of the film by Nicola Costantino directed by Natalie Cristiani.


Diego Bianchi at Parque de la Memoria

02.12.2016 POÉTICAS POLÍTICAS ¿QUÉ SIGNIFICA HOY HACER ARTE POLÍTICO?Artists: Diego Bianchi, Roberto Jacoby & Syd Krochmalny, Leticia Obeid, Rodrigo Etem, Gabriel Valansi, Carlota Beltrame, Jonathan Perel, Viviana Blanco, Esteban Álvarez, Magdalena Jitrik. Curators: Florencia Battiti and Fernando Farina.


Matías Duville at Miami Art Basel

30.11.2016 Arena Parking Public Installation in Collins Park. Curator Nicholas Baume. Artists: Magdalena Abakanowicz, David Adamo, Jean-Marie Appriou, Eric Baudart, Huma Bhabha, Yoan Capote, Claudia Comte, Matías Duville, Camille Henrot, Glenn Kaino, Alicja Kwade, Sol LeWitt, Wagner Malta Tavares, Tony Matelli, William J. O'Brien, Anthony Pearson, Norbert Prangenberg, Ugo Rondinone, Tony Tasset and Erwin Wurm.


arteBA Focus 2016

12.11.2016 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Marcelo Pombo and Nicanor Aráoz participate in this edition. Distrito de las Artes, Arenas Studios, La Boca.


ArtBO 2016

30.10.2016 Bogotá, Colombia. BARRO is to be present for the very first time at the International Art Fair of Bogotá. Taking part will be Matías Duville and Martín Legón with installation, collages and objects.


What Matters? ¿Qué cuenta? Was zählt?

27.10.2016 Freedom Box from Diego Bianchi and Nicola Costantino. La Artefacta the film at "What Matters? ¿Qué cuenta? Was zählt?" in Schools of Art Vol. V / Oktogon - Hochschule für bildende Künste Dresden, Germany.


Diego Bianchi workshop at HfBK, Dresden

19.09.2016 Diego Bianchi fue invitado a dar un workshop destinado a artistas jóvenes en HfBK, Dresden, Alemania. Los resultados de la experiencia serán exhibidos en Senatssaal de la misma institución a fin de octubre.


Nicanor Aráoz en UTDT

19.09.2016 Nicanor Aráoz. Antología genética. Esculturas y estudios encadenados 2006—2016 will be open at the Sala de Exposiciones of the UTDT.The curatorial project was devised by Lucrecia Palacios, Alejo Ponce de León and Inés Katzenstein.


Seduction of a Cyborg

13.08.2016 Conceived by Florencia Cherñajovsky, stages a dialogue between historical works by two pioneering artists: Lynn Hershman Leeson and Kiki Kogelnik and new productions by artists both local: Nicanor Aráoz, Elena Dahn, and Fernanda Laguna; and foreign: David Douard and Rochelle Goldberg.

BUENOS AIRES, ARG +54 11 4978 3759
NEW YORK, USA +1 212 652 4410