25.05.2018 Buenos Aires, Argentina. The gallery includes works by Nicanor Aráoz, Joaquín Boz, Nicola Costantino, Matías Duville, Mondongo, Alejandra Seeber, Amalia Ulman and Agustina Woodgate in the main section of the fair. And is involved with CABINET by Marcelo Pombo.
24.05.2018 Red Sunset, 2018. Sanguine on paper, 100 x 70 cm. Matias Duville is part of the collection of the Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA), Long Beach, USA.
13.05.2018 As a closing exhibition of his BAR project residency. The seduction of the innocents displays a new essay of Martin Legón. This work, mix between anthropology, poetry, and sociology of the media, breaks down the paradoxical place occupied by the artistic object today.
11.05.2018 Nicanor Araoz. Sin título, 2008. Wood, wooden shelves, wall paper, jar and chocolate Nesquik, decorated plate and light socket. 200 x 140 x 21 cm. Colection Museo Castagnino+macro, Rosario.
11.05.2018 Nicola Costantino. Animal Motion Planet, máquina para caballo nonato, 2003. Drawing, chrome iron and motor. 170 x 60 x 105 cm (machine) / 55,8 x 80 cm (Drawing). Collection Museo Castagnino+macro, Rosario
11.05.2018 Martín Legón. Reinserciones en los sistemas de consumo (Las razones por las que escribimos son más importantes que lo escrito en sí) De la serie El triunfo de la muerte, 2012. Original photograph by Marcos López (Asado en Mendiolaza, 2001), copy destroyed by the artist to prevent its commercialization. 266 x 98,5 x 7 cm. Collection Museo Castagnino+macro, Rosario
11.05.2018 Joaquín Boz. Sin título, 2012. Oil, turpentine and linseed oil on paper. 200 x 400 cm- 8 paper panels. Collection Museo Castagnino+macro, Rosario
11.05.2018 Nicola Costantino. Sin título, 2000. Boxes made of wood and aluminum with resin casings from foals and calves. Variable measures. Colection Museo Castagnino+macro, Rosario
11.05.2018 Marcelo Pombo. Caja Azul, 1999. Cardboard box lined with wrapping paper, transparent nylon bag filled with small polystyrene balls, polyethylene ribbons and embossed paint. 20 x 24 x 20 cm. Colection Museo Castagnino+macro, Rosario.
04.05.2018 Pardés is the site-specific installation of Nicola Costantino, created especially for the Sala Laberinto. It means "orchard" in Hebrew and refers also to the idea of Eden, that place that is reached to delight with all the fruits offered. Usina del arte, Buenos Aires.
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