


Joaquín Boz

Joaquín Boz (Rojas, 1987) creates abstract paintings and drawings in different scales, working with the characteristics that matter provides from the body and gestures. In his works, intensity is placed upon the development of the work, and the materials change according to the medium. Each work presents a different story to appreciate, both in its entirety and in the details, where the different stages of his work are perceived. His paintings and drawings are the result of processes of loading the material that covers and discovers, reveals and conceals, weakens and strengthens. Every one of Boz’s paintings brings to light the making of numerous discrete decisions and organic networks of hieroglyphic marks that register intimate and piercing conversations between the artist and the materials. His individual exhibitions include Diffusion (Perrotin, Seoul), Todo el tiempo (Steve Turner Gallery, Los Angeles, 2022), Caudal (BARRO, 2022), Mano sin hora (Steve Turner Gallery, Los Angeles, 2020), Los días (BARRO, Buenos Aires, 2018), New Work (Steve Turner Gallery, Los Angeles, 2017), Cadena de islas (with Steve Turner Gallery at Zona Maco, Mexico City, 2016), Sonido blanco (Big Sur Galería, Buenos Aires, 2015), Inscripción en la tierra (Steve Turner Gallery, Los Angeles, 2015) and Insolada (Móvil, Buenos Aires, 2014). Some of the most prominent recent group shows in which he was featured are Othering (BARRO, New York), Futurity (BARRO, New York), Inédita (BARRO, Buenos Aires, 2020), Dos museos y un río, curated by Ticio Escobar (Bienalsur, Castagnino+macro, Rosario, 2019), Through-line: Drawing & Weaving by 19 Artists (Steve Turner Gallery, Los Angeles, 2018), Carbon, curated by Lauren Kasmer (Fellows of Contemporary Art (FOCA), Los Angeles, 2018), Arte argentino.100 años en la Colección Castagnino+macro (Castagnino+macro, Rosario, 2018), Agramaticalismos, curated by Jimena Ferreiro (Aldo de Sousa, Buenos Aires, 2016) and Diagonal Sur. Arte argentino hoy, curated by Philippe Cyroulnik (Borges Cultural Center, Buenos Aires, 2016).

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Fluid Boundaries at BARRO NEW YORK

Abstract art can manifest in numerous ways, being deductive or expressive, lyrical or rational, geometric or organic, as well as smooth or rich in gestures. In the realm of painting, abstraction acquires a unique expression when it is grounded in a well-defined ontology. Although painting does not speak, it creates speech. Joaquín Boz’s work is an example of how abstraction not only encompasses but also delves into complex concepts such as contingency and sensibility, through its meticulous layers of color.


28.03.2024 Fluid Boundaries at BARRO NY


1 ó 2 Proyectos, Joaquín Boz. Big Sur Books. Buenos Aires, 2015


CHAILE at Fundación Cervieri Monsuarez

06.01.2025 Gabriel Chaile’s first solo exhibition in Uruguay, curated by Pablo León de la Barra. A site-specific show featuring a series of new works created especially for the FCV in José Ignacio. On view until April 2025.


DUVILLE at Museo Mar

27.12.2024 Lo que la noche le cuenta al día, group exhibition including works by Matías Duville, presents a survey of Argentine art. Curated by Andrés Duprat and Diego Sileo. Part of the celebration of the Museum’s 10 years and the 150 years of Mar de Plata.



17.12.2024 Juxtaposing the past and the present, the exhibition presents works from different periods and artistic currents, highlighting visions of LGBTQIA+ historias that transcend time and space, as well as pointing to strategies of resistance. Curated by Adriano Pedrosa & Julia Bryan-Wilson at Museo de Arte de São Paulo, MASP. Until abril, 2025. 


Art Basel
Miami Beach 2024

06.12.2024 Miami Beach, USA. BARRO presents a series of works by Mondongo, La Chola Poblete, Lucrecia Lionti and Joaquín Boz. The artworks selected for this edition call into question the conceptual relation between materiality and image. Main Sector, Convention Center, Florida.


Lucrecia LIONTI awarded at the
101st National Salon of Santa Fe

17.11.2024 Cárcel & Vals, 2024, textile artwork by Lucrecia Lionti, won the Award Gobierno de la Provincia de Santa Fe (acquisition) by unanimous decision. The award jury was made up of Fernando Farina, Nancy Rojas and Lucía Stubrin



17.11.2024 “El Baptisterio de los colores”, installation by the group Mondongo, among other artworks of theirs, are on view as part of the show “Sin título” at its new home Arthaus. This “work-architecture” erected in the manner of a Pantone made of plasticine calls us to invent, in community, a new liturgy of color.


Los jóvenes olvidaron sus canciones o Tierra de fuego (Parte II)

16.11.2024 BARRO Buenos Aires presents Los jóvenes olvidaron sus canciones o Tierra de fuego (Parte II), the second exhibition by GABRIEL CHAILE in the gallery. With a text by Filipa Ramos, the show presents a new line of work the artist began this year and consists in a film with mural drawings made from adobe and iron.



15.11.2024 On Saturday November 16th, BARRO Buenos Aires opens Los jóvenes olvidaron sus canciones o Tierra de fuego (Parte II), the second exhibition by Gabriel Chaile in the gallery. With a text by Filipa Ramos, the show presents a new line of work the artist began this year and consists in a film of mural drawings made of adobe and iron.


BARRO es 10

30.09.2024 SHOW / FAIR / PARTY We celebrate the gallery’s first 10 years (2014—2024) THANK YOU everyone who is and was part of it!—BARRO es 10—Nicanor Aráoz, Joaquín Boz, Nacha Canvas, Gabriel Chaile, Matias Duville, Faivovich & Goldberg, Mónica Giron, Martín Legón, Lucrecia Lionti, Lolo y Lauti, Mondongo, La Chola Poblete, Marcelo Pombo, Pablo Reinoso, Alejandra Seeber, Agustina Woodgate— 



21.09.2024 La vida que explota by Gabriel Chaile, Claudia Alarcón and Silät. Curator: Andrei Fernández. The sculptural ensemble of anthropomorphized beings constitutes a group portrait of Gabriel Chaile’s family tree. The work was presented for the first time at the Venice Biennial 2022 and is now exhibited permanently in the Chaile Pavilion at the recently inaugurated MALBA—PUERTOS, Escobar.

BUENOS AIRES, ARG +54 11 4978 3759
NEW YORK, USA +1 212 652 4410