27.10.2016 Freedom Box from Diego Bianchi and Nicola Costantino. La Artefacta the film at "What Matters? ¿Qué cuenta? Was zählt?" in Schools of Art Vol. V / Oktogon - Hochschule für bildende Künste Dresden, Germany.
19.09.2016 Diego Bianchi fue invitado a dar un workshop destinado a artistas jóvenes en HfBK, Dresden, Alemania. Los resultados de la experiencia serán exhibidos en Senatssaal de la misma institución a fin de octubre.
19.09.2016 Nicanor Aráoz. Antología genética. Esculturas y estudios encadenados 2006—2016 will be open at the Sala de Exposiciones of the UTDT.The curatorial project was devised by Lucrecia Palacios, Alejo Ponce de León and Inés Katzenstein.
13.08.2016 Conceived by Florencia Cherñajovsky, stages a dialogue between historical works by two pioneering artists: Lynn Hershman Leeson and Kiki Kogelnik and new productions by artists both local: Nicanor Aráoz, Elena Dahn, and Fernanda Laguna; and foreign: David Douard and Rochelle Goldberg.
27.07.2016 Caza: Rochele Gomez, Margaret Lee, Alejandra Seeber is part of The Neighbors, a series of three small-scale, successive exhibitions of contemporary art organized by guest curator Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy for The Bronx Museum of Arts.
20.05.2016 Diego Bianchi. In an environment of division and powerlessness, where the objects of techno-capitalism emerge in all their toxicity, mathematical symmetry is the paradoxical form of democratic verification.
19.05.2016 Buenos Aires, Argentina. The gallery presents its staff of artists in the main section and is involved with special projects in U-TURN, Dixit Space and Activities as well as Banco Ciudad Space.
19.03.2016 Obsessed with infrastructure, Agustina Woodgate analyzes the space we inhabit as a field full of tensions where Man is the common denominator that alters all the cells in the world.
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